For years now, Analytics, Target Market, Customer Demographics, Data Cultivation have been the focus of CEOs and CFOs alike. These statistics have become the driving force in the development of marketing materials. Don’t get me wrong, the data needs to be taken into account, but not overshadow the marketing message.
But making all marketing channels data driven exclusively is like handing your brand over to a bookkeeper. Now I don’t want to disparage accountants, they’re great at doing payroll, taxes, and such. We all have our own expertise and speciality! I don’t want to even begin to understand the workings of the IRS, and I don’t think marketing and creative development where required classes to receive an accounting degree.
Consumers are bombarded with thousands of advertising impressions daily. Consumers want to establish relationships with companies who have the personality they can identify with and this is projected through the creative. Data by itself only is cold and has no personality. Creative is the mechanism that gets you to entice your prospective customers. So, how are you doing?
If your message is boring, what consumer wants to spend time with you?
Blending data with creative and clever solutions will cut through the mediocre, and make your business stand out from your competition. Getting noticed is the key. You first have to get their attention and then you can develop them into a customer.